Share the joy of fishing, with kids.
“Walter the Wily Walleye” is a story of a fish that invites and challenges a child to try and catch him. Walter provides a whimsical look at a fun sport. He encourages the reader and child to seek adventure with family and friends. Fishing with sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, adds joy to life. You are never too young or to old to catch the fishing bug. Being “wily” makes Walter “sneaky” but he is also friendly and suggests you grab a pole and go fishing for fun. He hopes to swim into your imagination and provide interesting information about his life in the water."Battle of the Bass" is for moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles and friends who take kids fishing in the Great Outdoors. The joy of the time spent spent with kids will be fondly remembered forever.
"Great information to motivate and get more kids into the sport of fishing, especially bass fishing." Al Linder Bass Fishing Hall of Fame Angler Director, Lidner Media Productions "Battle of the Bass" is awesome and a great read for anyone. Especially kids looking to get into fishing!" Jay Prezkurat Bassmaster Elite Series AnglerShare the joy of fishing, with kids.
Most kids first experience with fishing is trying to catch a panfish. The memory of that first catch with dad, grandpa, mom or grandma will remain forever if the adventure is made to be fun. The act of fishing for panfish may be the most simple form of fishing possible for they are plentiful and willing to bite. A day on the water from a boat or on dock or from the shore can form a positive experience of the outdoors and appreciation of nature that will remain for years to come. The Panfish Party introduces panfish to the youth as having as much fun as being at a party.FREE Shipping on All Online Orders! Dismiss